Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Terrific Tuesday!!!

Today is awesome! Me and Noah are home together! And everyone might want to know that NOAH WALKED last night!!!! My mom stopped by and got to see it also! It was cool... I do believe he is very smart=)

The sun decided to come out a bit so Noah and I headed to the park and he loved the swings. He's not so hot about the jungle gym thing yet but I'm sure the time will come when he is! There's not really alot to say today, I just wanted to touch on the fact that Noah walked last night. Also he has 5 teeth now.

I did read Patti's message today and I agree that family is very important! I feel bad for you and my stepmom Selina, you both have graduating boys in the next couple of weeks. I am not looking forward to the day that it comes to our family! But as a mom, I know that all I can do is raise them the best I can and make sure they know and love God. And hopefully when they come to their trials in life(we all know it is bound to happen!) they will turn to God first and Jordan and me second, to help get them through it. And I'm sure I'll need a few of you to remind me of that from time to time when those teenage years roll around!!!lol You both are great mothers though and shouldn't worry, you did good!

1 comment:

Susan Warren said...

Wow - Noah is walking - that is great! I can't wait to see him again. Hopefully, we will get to see him at the graduation party on Saturday evening. We hope you can stop by on Sunday - we will be there all afternoon. Love, Susie