Monday, May 19, 2008


Well today I had to go to school and Jordan had to go in to work at 4:45 am! Patti watched Noah for us. I found out that I only have one more day of class for the whole summer, so I'm stoked! Just one more day then me and Noah get to be together all summer...hopefully I won't be sick like I know some people get... but I can't wait. I did get a job through my father, working from home. It's just a few hours a day too so it's really just perfect. I can finally help bring in money again!! I feel so bad when Jordan is the only with an income. I will be better when I get my degree and get a job then, that way when I'm gone all day from my children, I'll have something to show for it. Right now it feels pointless!!!

Well I'm trying to put up more pictures but we have dial up at the moment so it takes forever! I want eveybody to get to see Noah since people like Kathy, Gretchen, Cassie, my father and stepmomma, and other family who live so far away don't really get to!

Well Noah is sleeping so I'm going to take advantage of it and do some laundry and other things then lay down beside him! I hope everyone is having a great Monday!

1 comment:

Susan Warren said...

Hi Erin. Great pictures! The little guy sure is growing! Congratulations to all of you on the new-baby-to-be! We are excited about having another baby in the family. Love, Susie