Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lots of catching up to do....

Man it has really been busy at the Sanders' home lately! I have started working from home, going up to visit my father, my brother graduated, and Jordan is still running his butt off for work, softball, and family life! Tonight was the first chance he had to mow the lawn in like two weeks.... I tried to mow but he is very peculiar about it since he mowed for years with John!!!! And the fun thing is is that it is only going to get busier!!!! Yeah! =)

Noah is now pulling up on EVERYTHING, walking from couch to toys, saying "ma" instead of Momma, and saying "ball" really good. Tonight I let him feed himself applesauce and he dumped it all down his belly. When I tried to help him he yelled at me! Mim got Noah a pool and he LOVES it! So we are looking at getting a little bit bigger one from WalMart for him! This past weekend when went up to my dad's we rode in his golf cart and Noah seriously smiles the whole time! It is soooo cute. He is definately his daddy's son and loves being outside. He is growing up so fast....

Tomorrow morning is our first ultrasound for the new baby! I can't wait to see the little heart beat and hear it! It's so amazing to know that there is another little baby in my belly... I know it will be busy but it will all be worth it! There is nothing more worth living for than for your children. I love being a mom.... Anyways I'm going to put up some new pictures of Noah and the past week and half. I hope everyone is doing good. It's been awhile since we have seen everyone! but hot weather is here so I'm sure we'll all meet up at mim's pool sometime!!!

1 comment:

Patti said...

Granna can't wait to see the pictures!